In the Holy Scriptures poverty is meant as humility, as an attitude of openness and willingness to God’s will. The poor count on God, from Him they claim justice, not from the powerful.
Following the example of Virgin Mary, the Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) live their missionary commitment of evangelization making of their service to the poor their main task. They consider themselves “poor” and as “poor” they pay special attention to 3 situations of poverty:
The poverty of God
Sin doesn’t only hurt when it is committed and it doesn’t hurt only the sinner. Its most hidden and serious consequences are visible in the barriers of hate and spitefulness built by men, in the breaking of friendship and communion. Sin makes sinners lose their confidence in God, Creator and Saviour. It divides men creating misunderstandings, mistrust and incomprehensions that last from generation to generation. Sin destroys harmony and peace, gifts of the Father through the sacrifice of Jesus. The sinner condemns himself , locking himself in isolation and sadness where he finds a shelter and where he will live in eternity. God suffers for this destructive action, he feels the nostalgia for the rest on Sabbah -on the seventh day, when our creator and creation lived the beatitude of friendship and intimacy.
In order to restore this primary friendship and soothe this “divine nostalgia” , the Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (FFCIM) consider prayer and reparation as their main personal and communitarian commitment. Particularly, the Holy Mass is the centre and the mystery of love offered and embraced, where the members of the family offer themselves to restore unity , torn by sin.
The poverty of the well-off
The Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) embrace the command of Jesus : “ Go and baptize all peoples in the name of the father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit “. They are the spokepersons and the witnesses of the message of the Lord : “Be the missionaries of the Love of God. It’s high time, it’s your calling...To comprehend my love is to comprehend the only necessary thing in the world. It’s a gift that only I can give – Me and Me only- , but I must find a willingly open soul”. The missionary commitment of the Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) has no boundaries (limitazioni di metodi = da chiarire) : their presence is a promising moment / good opportunity / favourable occasion for starting a dialogue, for asking questions, for witnessing the love of God. Furthermore, the Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) are involved in many activities which aim at developing the knowledge of Jesus and his message through the Holy Scriptures : courses, lectures, conferences, pilgrimages, missions...
The poverty of the poor
The salvation that Jesus came to bring includes all aspects of human life: He came to restore man as a whole, in his spiritual dimension, corrupted by sin, and in his material dimension where the consequences of sin can be evidently seen in poverty, injustice, abuse of power, moral degradation, illness.
Thanks to Vatican Council 2, the Church has shared and recognized as her own the crying (Revelation) of many destitute / poor / needy populations, oppressed by egoism and exploitation by other poplutations or different social classes. The Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) have the task to live the Charity of Christ and can’t be indifferent to this crying. According to the environment where they operate and to the financial resources of the community where they live, they propose initiatives of their own in harmony with those promoted by the local Church so that the scandal of poverty , caused by egoism, may be eradicated.
Several activities started up, both in Europe and – especially- in Brazil, where material poverty is more widespread and visible, with the aim of promoting each person in his or her wholeness, through educational and sanitary actions. In every house of the Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( FFCIM) , some service to the poor must be provided ( è generico, ma anche in italiano...) For the members of the religiuos community, there are no priorities in the service to the ” 3 poors”. They serve them according to their personal calling with the same intent : “ Thy Kingdom come!”
“Let Me live in you!”