Address: Medjugorie - Bosnia Erzegovina

Home Regnum Dei - After a series of pilgrimages to Medjugorie in 1984 and 1987, the members of the Religious Family “Daughters and Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary “ could experience the deep empathy with the Marian spirituality in Medjugorie and their own, inspired by the message of Fatima. Every pilgrim could perceive the peaceful atmosphere and the superabundance of grace, such as conversions and the rediscovery of faith, of prayer, of the Holy Sacraments.

Maria Liliana, the founding mother, had the intuition of building a centre there, where pilgrims could be welcome and guided in their spiritual itinerary, so that they could benefit from the grace of the place. It was a hazarduous and dangerous idea, because at that time Jugoslavia was under Tito’s Communist regime. Foreigners couldn’t own belongings and it was difficult to gather financial funds. However, some serious difficulties were overcome :many times had the Community been on the brink of losing it all. But the plan went aheadd, with the help and protection of Virgin Mary and thanks to the cooperation and support of many italian and Croatian friends.

In 1990 the house was completed; some FFCIM members worked there with the following aims:

  • respond to the requests of Virgin Mary, who calls us to continuous prayer, to the conversion of the heart, to fasting and to the renunciation of sin
  • welcome those who the Virgin loves with particular affection, like the young people with their spiritual illnesses and wounds
  • offer a suitable place for prayer and meditation, so that the requests of Our lady can be fully met and accomplished

The breaking out of the war in the Balcans caused a temporary halt in these activities and the house hosted for 2 years a community of Franciscan nuns and other displaced Religious communities. At the end of the conflict the houses needed complete refurbushing and fixing; it was completely restored and activities started again in the hands of the community until 2013. Burocratic problems caused a further closing: only in 2015 the house was opened again. Qualified and reliable friends who live in Medjugorie are in charge of practical matters, while spiritual care is in the hands of the members of the community.

At the moment, the house welcomes organized groups, families or individuals who look for a homely place which can give them light and strength for their spiritual life. The priority is given to people who want to grow in the faith of Christ, in the knowledge of the Gospel and of Virgin Mary. For this reason, common prayers, meditations, meetings are held in the house, together with other spiritual aids to make the pilgrimage more effective. The participation to events organized by the local parish is obviously welcome, as well.

The members of the Association are happy to take the pilgrimsto the different places at the pilgrims’ most convenient time. The guests are willing to follow a programme and a timetable ; they follow the style of the life of the community, in an atmoshpere of silence and recollection. Generally the guests take part in the activities organized by the Parish ( Holy Masses, adorations, catechetical meetings) or by the Community itself ( Rosary and the Way of the Cross , catechetical meetings, meditations on the Gospel, Holy Confessions). On requests spiritual retreats, formative meetings and seminars can be organized.

For bookings and info, don’t hesitate to contact Domus Damar Agency, Put Kovačice 22 Međugorje Brotnjo 88260 BiH

  • Webpage:
  • Phone: +387.36.642 - +387.36.642799 - +387.63.320 - +387.63.025 - +387.63.206 - +387.63.890

For spiritual assistance , don’t hesitate to contact the members of the Association directly ( fill in the form on this website) or calling them on the phone:

  • +39.02.89531051 - +387.36.651806

