Address: Rua Regnum Dei, 375 - Ponta Grossa (Paranà - Brazil) - Tel: +55.42.32245270
Biblical Centre - It was founded in 1975 following the request of the Bishop of Ponta Grossa in 1975.
On the one hand, it witnesses one of the charisms of the Community – to announce the Word of God; on the other , it gives an answer to the need to live a deeper faith. The Biblical Centre has a strategic relevance and importance, if we take into consideration that in Latin America , the main part of pastoral work is in the hands of lay people. Here catechists, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, meditation groups, pastoral movements meet here and find the suitable conditions to improve their Biblical knowledge and to deepen their own faith. In this way, they can be more effective in the context where they live.
In the Biblical Centre , the School for Permanent Deacons is active: deacons represent a great resource in the evangelical work in far-away communities. The Biblical Centre is surrounded by a green area, with suitable facilities : it offers courses, formative meetings and spiritual retreats on various themes from the Holy Scriptures. The purpose is to communicate in easy words the contents that might appear as simply academic. The Holy Scriptures are the lever for pastoral action, at the service of the Spirit.
The missionary dimension is deeply linked to the activities of the Biblical Centre: the missionary dimension can’t simply stop to the proclamation of the Gospel. It’s rather the communication of how the Gospel can change our life. It’s the communication of the joy of the encounter with Christ as the most important event in our life. The missionary activities are organized where the ordinary pastoral actions cannot reach the people or aren’t able to trigger their faith. To this purpose, new pedagogical and didactical techniques are used: but the prevailing feature is to offer the witness of a communitarian style of life, a charismatic feature of the Community
The announcement of the Gospel is associated to the request that Jesus made: “It is by your love for one another, that everyone will recognize you as my disciples”.(John, 13:35). Only witnessing a communitarian style of life the missionary afflatus finds its positive result. Such a witness makes what is proclaimed visible and believable: as a matter of fact, without this, the Gospel risks being a simple ideology. Seeing is believing: the true missionary territory is the heart of man and our missionary action is directed towards this.